Saturday 23 May 2015

                                   THE BEHOLDER

Nature always wears the colours of the spirit.

Nothing can be ever beautiful than embracing the beauty of this dusk. 
The serenity and peace one gets viewing this beauty.

For one it may be about the tranquility, 
for another, may be charmed by its view.

In this embossed beauty... everyone has their own meaning. 
For a lover, its just a yearn to have their mate's company, 
holding his hand in this solidarity.

For a child, its just the end of the day,
and the end of a game
eagerly awaiting the next  day to begin his new game.

For a lonesome, this possess no charm,
it brings the sense of being lost
feeling empty
at times this moment of introspection changes the person in you

For an artist
there cant be a better gift than such a beauty 
the perfect picture that goes beyond words

And for me 
I don't know.. I believe
there is beauty in most of the things, 
to those who have the eyes to see it.

So open your eyes wide and enjoy each drop of beauty around you.
and check for your self that is it a delusion or an exhilarating art.


Wednesday 20 May 2015


                                     LIVE IT!

Seize the moment
Grab the instinct
Behold the beauty
                    and just Live It.

Like the sand in your fist,
tighter you hold, the more you loose
gently you keep, it stays with you till you want  
So learn to keep your calm,
                    and just Live It. 

Laugh at the confusions
Smile through the tears
Sizzle out the tensions
Dance with the pains
and sleep through the oblivion
    because if you love the rainbow,
    you need to accept the rain
So accept come what may,
                       and just Live It.

Pain- is something to be felt
and Love for that matter is his foster brother.
Love being the most beautiful feeling
makes you want nothing more than that.
You just need to fall and embrace it.
because more than being loved widely,
one needs just to be loved deeply.
So close your eyes, 
let love mesmerize you
                        and just Live It.

Each moment may not surprise you
But each memory brings back a lot to you
Instead of recounting the memories
Seize the moment
Grab the instinct 
Behold the beauty
                       and just Live It.